
Opening the Heart Sutra Retreat: The Art of Contemplation

Online: Hosted by The Middle Way Initiative

Buddhist teacher and author Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel will be teaching "Opening the Heart Sutra: The Art of Contemplation" December 9-12, 2021 as a live on-line, four-day retreat. During this retreat Elizabeth will guide us through a deep exploration of the Heart Sutra. The live retreat will be broadcast via Zoom. The program will be simulcast in English with Portuguese translation. This retreat is hosted by Elizabeth’s non-profit, The Middle Way Initiative.

Open Question Live Conversation: Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel with Pema Chödrön

Online: Hosted by The Middle Way Initiative

Please join Elizabeth on March 25th at 1pm Mountain Time for our first Open Question Live Conversation for 2023, How We Live is How We Die with Pema Chödrön. We encourage you to register early because space is limited for this event and tickets may sell out.

Confronted by Wisdom: A Mother and Son Conversation

Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel and Dungse Jampal Norbu engage in a lively mother and son conversation about the extraordinary method of mind training known as lojong. Streamed lived on Zoom.

The Liberating Practice of Looking and Not Finding

Online: Hosted by Phuntsok Choling

Elizabeth will explore the Vajrayana principle of sacred world as well as the relationship between the emptiness teachings of the Middle Way and the view of the Vajrayana.

Mastery of Being

Dungse Jampal Namgyel and Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, will join forces to share their enthusiasm for the Lojong teachings, which will include teachings, guided meditations and lively conversation.