
Losar Address

We are delighted to stream Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche’s Losar Address this year from the Sangdo Palri Temple of Wisdom and Compassion in Crestone, CO. The tentative start time for the address is currently 11 a.m. Mountain Time.

The Liberating Practice of Looking and Not Finding

Online: Hosted by Phuntsok Choling

Elizabeth will explore the Vajrayana principle of sacred world as well as the relationship between the emptiness teachings of the Middle Way and the view of the Vajrayana.

Determined to Be Happy

Online & In Person at Pema Osel, Vershire, VT

In this in-person and online program Dungse Jampal Norbu will explore ideas on happiness through the lens of lojong mind training.

$95.00 – $105.00

Special Live Talk by Pema Chödrön

Phuntsok Choling 45640 CO-72, Ward, Colorado, United States

We are delighted to announce that Pema Chödrön will be giving an in-person and live stream talk on Thursday, July 18 at 10am MDT.

Pema will be teaching during the Mahayana section of the Nyingma Summer Seminar program. Topics often covered by Pema during this program are self-compassion, bodhicitta, lenchak & shenpa.

Dechen Gyalmo Drupcho

Online & In-Person at Phuntsok Choling, Ward, CO

In the Dechen Gyalmo drupcho, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche and MSB members practice the dakini sadhana from the Longchen Nyingthik tradition. The focus of these practice intensives is on accumulating 100,000 tsok offering prayers.


Mastery of Being

Dungse Jampal Namgyel and Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, will join forces to share their enthusiasm for the Lojong teachings, which will include teachings, guided meditations and lively conversation.