May bodhicitta, precious and sublime, arise where it has not yet come to be. Where it has arisen may it never fail, but grow and flourish more and more.
Unbroken lineages of wisdom traditions are rare in these times, and Kongtrul Rinpoche descends from a pure lineage of the Dzogpa Chenpo Longchen Nyingtik tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.
We have two main study and practice centers in America: Phuntsok Choling in Colorado and Pema Osel in Vermont. Rinpoche teaches the core MSB programs at these two centers. In addition, MSB has several city centers or groups around the world where people gather for group meditation and study, and to listen to the LINK teachings together.
Browse to any of the calendars to find out more about the teaching schedules of Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Dungse Jampal Norbu, or Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel. View the upcoming events at Phuntsok Choling, Pema Osel, or find out who is giving the next LINK talk.
MSB is a part of the Longchen Nyingtik and Khyen-Kong-Chok-Sum lineages. (Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye, and Terton Chokgyur Lingpa, collectively known as Khyen-Kong-Chok-Sum, were the heart of the Rimé, or nonsectarian, movement, which did so much to preserve and harmonize all schools of Tibetan Buddhism in the nineteenth century.)Â
Mangala Shri Bhuti Store
Light Coming Through provides infinite opportunities for reflection on the expressive potential of our minds.
Availability: 35 in stock
Light Coming Through provides infinite opportunities for reflection on the expressive potential of our minds.This exquisitely reproduced catalogue takes you on an intimate tour of Rinpoches first public exhibition in Taipei, Taiwan, in April of 2005. Large color plates bring the texture, stroke, and energy of the work vividly alive on the page. Included, in both Mandarin and English, is Rinpoches own foreword entitled “The Mark of Non-Creating”, as well as essays by Yahne Le Toumelin, Joel Meyerowitz, Simon Zalkind, Stan Lai, and Tatjana Krizmanic, which approach the work from personal as well as art-history perspectives. At 170 pages, the soft-cover catalogue contains 90 color plates.