May bodhicitta, precious and sublime, arise where it has not yet come to be. Where it has arisen may it never fail, but grow and flourish more and more.
Wisdom and Compassion – The Essence of Mahayana Buddhism
Date: December 9, 10, 11 |
Location: Live Stream from Europe |
Teacher: Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche
In order to cultivate compassion we must first recognize, open up to and understand our own suffering. This means looking more deeply and clearly at our fears, our guilt, the desire to be perfect and the habit of indulging our emotions. As we begin to have some objectivity towards our suffering, and recognize the causes of it, we can find a tremendous sense of compassion for ourselves and others, and wisdom begins to dawn.
Three Talks. 6-8 pm UK/Ireland | 7-9 pm CET | 11am-1pm Colorado | 1-3 pm New York