Rigdzin Dupa Drupcho

Phuntsok Choling 45640 CO-72, Ward, Colorado, United States

In the Rigdzin Dupa drupcho, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche and MSB lineage students practice the guru sadhana from the...

Nyingma Summer Seminar

Phuntsok Choling 45640 CO-72, Ward, Colorado, United States

Nyingma Summer Seminar 2024. Participation via streaming is also available. Join us for this annual celebration of the Three Yanas of Tibetan Buddhism with Kongtrul Rinpoche, Dungse Jampal Norbu, and Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel, and Special Guest, Ani Pema Chodron.

Source of Mahamudra

Pema Osel

Discover one of the great texts of the Mahayana with Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, the Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra, written by the Buddha Maitreya. Year 7. This text presents buddhanature, the enlightened essence all beings possess, in great detail through 7 Vajra Points, laying the groundwork for the view of the Vajrayana.

MSB Shedra with Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

Phuntsok Choling 45640 CO-72, Ward, Colorado, United States

In 2025, Rinpoche continues his commentary on the Treasury of Precious Qualities: Book One: Sutra Teachings (Revised Edition) by Jigme Lingpa. Each of the program’s two weekends consists of 5 talks, discussion groups with senior students and meditation groups.