ABOUT MANGALA SHRI BHUTI EUROPEMSB Europe connects students and friends of Venerable Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche in support of our practice, study and service aspirations within the Mangala Shri Bhuti lineage. We warmly welcome anyone with an interest in studying and practicing the Dharma. Please see below or contact us at europe@mangalashribhuti.org for more information about our different activities in Europe. You may also sign up for announcements about upcoming programs here. VENERABLE DZIGAR KONGTRUL RINPOCHE TEACHINGS IN EUROPEKongtrul Rinpoche offers a weekend public program each summer in Ireland as well as other European countries. You may sign up to receive announcements about this and other MSB events in Europe here or follow us on Facebook ONLINE LEARNINGThe Awakening the Mind, Softening the Heart online learning program is designed for those interested in transforming their lives through changing not just their attitudes, but their entire mindset through the well-established Buddhist meditation practices of self-reflection and the four immeasurable qualities. To enrol in this program, one need not be familiar with Buddhism, nor is there any expectation of participants becoming Buddhists. Visit http://www.mangalashribhuti.org/online-learning for more information and to register. (Note: in the registration form comments you may specify a request to join a European course group.)STUDY GROUPMSB Europe offers an online study group drawing from Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche’s publications. In 2021, we are studying Rinpoche’s latest book: Peaceful Heart: The Buddhist Practice of Patience. The study group is open to all students and friends who have completed MSB online learning Course 1. For more information and to register, email us at europe@mangalashribhuti.org. EUROPEAN GROUPSInformation and contacts details for groups in Europe is as follows:Ireland – contact europe@mangalashribhuti.org You may also email us at europe@mangalashribhuti.org to learn whether there are MSB students residing in your area.