Our Teacher, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, first blessed the California Mangalam in 2007. Our years as students and practitioners in Mangala Shri Bhuti reflect theÂcontinuous blessings of the Three Jewels in our lives. As a Mangalam, we extend our deep appreciation for our Teacher and the Sangha of Mangala Shri Bhuti. E Ma Ho We setup a private California Mangalam Facebook page in 2013 as a way to connect using social media. This site enables people to keep up to date with local events and activities, share photos, and post dharma writings. Because it is not a public site, people have been open to sharing from a more personal place regarding challenges, deaths, and illnesses of loved ones in need of prayers. The tremendous growth of on-line teachings and other internet resources from Mangala Shri Bhuti has enabled us to connect with our Teacher and Sangha in ways unimaginable just a few years ago. Key internet-based resources include the live streaming of events, the Lineage Training Courses and access to archived recordings (audio and video). We have members who also participate in the online Ngondro practice twice monthly and the online tsoks. It is a way to deepen our practices and to connect with sangha from all over the world. We extend a sincere thank you to everyone involved in providing these resources to us.