Mirror of the Mind


A teaching series with Dungse Jampal Norbu hosted by the San Francisco Shambhala Center.

The most fundamental skill for a spiritual life is self-reflection. Self-reflection provides the basis for understanding ourselves and asking the big questions — the ones that steer our interests, passions, and the search for a meaningful life.

Weekend Retreat with Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

In person and online: Hosted by the Buddhist Center of Steamboat Springs Bud Werner Memorial Library, Steamboat Springs, CO, United States

On Saturday, Rinpoche will be teaching based on his book Training in Tenderness. On Sunday, Rinpoche will be teaching on Mahamudra, and will discuss the importance of the teacher/student relationship. Details are available at https://www.steamboatbuddhistcenter.org/dkr-info.